Θα φέρει η θάλασσα πουλιά κι άστρα χρυσά τ’ αγέρι να σου χαϊδεύουν τα μαλλιά να σου φιλούν το χέρι. Χάρτινο το φεγγαράκι ψεύτικη η ακρογιαλιά αν με πίστευες λιγάκι θα ’ταν όλα αληθινά. Δίχως τη δική σου αγάπη γρήγορα περνάει ο καιρός δίχως τη δική σου αγάπη είν’ ο κόσμος πιο μικρός. Χάρτινο το φεγγαράκι ψεύτικη η ακρογιαλιά αν με πίστευες λιγάκι θα ’ταν όλα αληθινά. * [Όλα τα τραγούδια page 13] Από την παράσταση του έργου Λεωφορείον ο Πόθος του Τεννεσσή Ουίλλιαμς, που παρουσίασε το Θέατρο Τέχνης το 1949. [Στην έντυπη έκδοση του τόμου Όλα τα τραγούδια, η υποσημείωση αναφέρει το 1948 ως χρονιά παρουσίασης του έργου Λεωφορείον ο πόθος του Τενεσσή Ουΐλλιαμς. Το σωστό είναι ότι οι στίχοι γράφτηκαν το 1948 κι ότι το έργο παρουσιάστηκε το 1949, λόγω της τεράστιας επιτυχίας και διάρκειας που είχε στο ίδιο θέατρο ο Ματωμένος γάμος του Φεδερίκο Γκαρθία Λόρκα στη μετάφραση του Γκάτσου.] Στην παράσταση η Μελίνα Μερκούρη τραγουδούσε: Χάρτινο το φεγγαράκι ψεύτικη η ακρογιαλιά αν με πίστευες λιγάκι όνειρο δεν θα ’ταν πια. Δίχως τη δική σου αγάπη γρήγορα περνάει ο καιρός δίχως τη δική σου αγάπη είν’ ο κόσμος πιο πικρός. Χάρτινο το φεγγαράκι ψεύτικη η ακρογιαλιά αν με πίστευες λιγάκι θα ’ταν όλα αληθινά. Δίχως τη δική σου αγάπη γρήγορα περνάει ο καιρός δίχως τη δική σου αγάπη είν’ ο κόσμος πιο πικρός.
Related Resources
Listen to Nana Mouskouri’s commentary on Χάρτινο το φεγγαράκι given in conversation during the December 8, 2021, event Gatsos in Translation:
Read Agathi Dimitrouka’s essay (in Greek) on this song in Hartis 37 (January 2022): “Η ποίηση στο τραγούδι: Η περίπτωση του Νίκου Γκάτσου.”
Moře přinese ptáky a zlaté hvězdy vánek aby pohladili tvé vlasy aby políbili ti ruku.
Papírový měsíček nepravý břeh kdybys mi trochu věřila všechno by to byla pravda.
Bez tvojí lásky čas rychle plyne bez tvojí lásky je svět menší.
Papírový měsíček nepravý břeh kdybys mi trochu věřila všechno by to byla pravda.
Matouš Dvořák, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
[Píseň byla napsána již v roce 1948, avšak uvedena byla až v roce 1949 v divadelní hře Tramvaj do stanice touha od Tenesseho Williamse – s takovým zpožděním byla uvedena kvůli dlouhé-mu trvání představení Krvavá svatba od Federica Garcíi Lorcy, které shodou okolností pře-kládal Nikos Gatsos.]
The sea will bring birds on the wing, Gold stars will waft in with the wind That they might stroke, caress your hair, That they might bow to kiss your hand.
Just a moon made out of paper, Just a shore that’s make-believe, But if you would just believe me, It would all turn true and real.
In the absence of your sweet love Time but flits and hurries on. In the absence of your sweet love This big world’s a smaller one.
Just a moon made out of paper, Just a shore that’s make-believe, But if you would just believe me, It would all turn true and real.
Rick Newton, Kent State University, United States
Translator’s notes:
Since Gatsos himself often composed verses with a melody already in mind, this translation is inspired by both Gatsos’ lyrics and the Hadjidakis song. This translation is intentionally “music-influenced.” In an effort that is new for me as a translator, I aim here for a somewhat singable translation that a reader who knows the song (e.g., through Mouskouri or Merkouri) can invoke or hum as s/he reads. As part of this goal, the second and fourth line of each stanza aim for assonance — a hint of rhyme. Converting the Greek poem into a singable English text requires the translator to maintain a keen awareness of the syllable count. This results in certain “additions” to the original (e.g., “birds on the wing,” “bow to kiss your hand”). To keep the meter intact and not violate the ictus, furthermore, certain “fillers” are also employed (e.g., “big world,” “your sweet love”). As I select these modifiers, I aim for consistency with the poem’s overall message. My addition of the adjective “big,” though needed metri causa, is consistent with the poem’s opening reference to sea and wind, invoking the idea of largeness. I also strive to maintain the emotional and sentimental integrity of the poem: since this is a love poem, “sweet” — however trite — is an appropriate adjective for “love.”
Birds will be coming from the Sea Stars of gold through the Air And they'll kiss your beloved hand And they'll caress your hair
Paper moon, oh paper moon, Phony beach, oh phony beach Everything would be so real, If you trusted me a bit.
In the absence of your love Time goes by so very fast In the absence of your love, It's a tiny, tiny world.
Paper moon, oh paper moon, Phony beach, oh phony beach Everything would be so real, If you trusted me a bit.
Miltiadis Sarigiannidis, Surgeon, Greece
Translator’s notes:
My translation follows the original’s rhymes and syllables, so that it can be be sung in English without any further modifications.
Pájaros traerá la mar y la brisa estrellas de oro para besarte la mano y acariciarte el cabello.
La lunita es de papel y la playa de mentira. Si me creyeses un poco sería todo de verdad.
Cuando me falta tu amor el tiempo no se detiene. Cuando me falta tu amor el mundo empequeñece.
La lunita es de papel y la playa de mentira. Si me creyeses un poco sería todo de verdad.
Alba Férriz Sánchez & Camila Geijo Islas, University of Málaga, Spain
Listen to this translation as read by Ángela Gentile, poet, Argentina:
Portarà ocells la mar I l’airina estreles daurades Per acariciar-te els cabells I per besar-te la mà
La Lluna sembla de paper I la platja de mentida Si em cregueres un poquet Tot de veritat seria
Sense el teu amor El temps no s’atura Sense el teu amor La Terra es torna menuda
La Lluna sembla de paper I la platja de mentida Si em cregueres un poquet Tot de veritat seria
Alba Férriz Sánchez, University of Málaga, Spain
Listen to the translator’s introduction:
Listen to the translator reading this translation:
سَيَأْتي بِالطُيورِ البَحْر وَالهَواءُ بِالنَجَماتِ الذَهَبيّة حَتّى تُداعِبَ شَعْرَك .وَيَدَك لِتُقَبِّلَها
وَرَقٌ ذا القَمَرُ الصَغير وَهذا الشاطِئُ وَهْم لَوْ صَدَّقْتني قَليلاً .لَكانت كُلُّها حَقيقة
يَمُرُّ الوَقْتُ بِدونِ حُبِّك عَسيراً والعالَم بِدونِ .حُبِّك أَصْغَر
وَرَقٌ ذا القَمَرُ الصَغير وَهذا الشاطِئُ وَهْم لَوْ صَدَّقْتني قَليلاً .لَكانَتْ كُلُّها حَقيقة
Roni Bou Saba, University of Athens, Greece
Listen to the translator reading this translation:
Enna feri1 i tàlassa puddhìa ce o ànemo krusafègna astèria na kitilìsun2 ta maddhìa na su filìsun ta chèria
To fengàri asce chartì scematàra ta kokka arèna an me piste 'na sprì3 oli alìssia ìane ja sena
'E' s'echi agàpimu fèonta pai o cerò 'e' s' èchi agàpimu pleo' kecci to' kosmo torò
To fengàri asce chartì scematàra ta kokka arèna an me piste 'na lillì oli alìssia ìane ja mena
Manuela Pellegrino, Italy
Listen to the translator’s introduction:
Listen to the translator reading this translation:
Translator’s notes:
1. The tense of the verbs in the first stanza highlights an interesting difference between Griko and SMG. In Griko, in order to indicate the future the present is used together with a temporal adverb; alternatively, ‘enna’ (echo na) is used and followed by the Simple Subjunctive (expanding this way the meaning of obligation, enna feri, lit: it has to bring).
2. In contrast to SMG, in Griko na is always followed by the Simple Subjunctive, also when indicating endurance/repetition.
3. ’Na spirì/spri is used mainly in Zollino; elsewhere alìo is used (SMG: λίγο). ’Na lillì is used in the village of Calimera, in addition to alìo. This is an example of the lexical variation among the Griko-speaking villages.
Porterà uccelli il mare e stelle d’oro il vento per accarezzarti i capelli per baciarti la mano.
Di carta la luna finta la spiaggia se mi avessi creduto un po’ tutto sarebbe stato vero.
Senza il tuo amore passa in fretta il tempo, senza il tuo amore è più piccolo il mondo.
Di carta la luna finta la spiaggia se mi avessi creduto un po’ tutto sarebbe stato vero.
Maria Rosa Caracausi, Palermo University, Italy