To fengàri asce chartì

Enna feri1 i tàlassa puddhìa
ce o ànemo krusafègna astèria
na kitilìsun2 ta maddhìa
na su filìsun ta chèria
To fengàri asce chartì
scematàra ta kokka arèna
an me piste 'na sprì3
oli alìssia ìane ja sena
'E' s'echi agàpimu
fèonta pai o cerò
'e' s' èchi agàpimu
pleo' kecci to' kosmo torò
To fengàri asce chartì
scematàra ta kokka arèna
an me piste 'na lillì
oli alìssia ìane ja mena




Manuela Pellegrino, Italy

Listen to the translator’s introduction:

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Translator’s notes:

1. The tense of the verbs in the first stanza highlights an interesting difference between Griko and SMG. In Griko, in order to indicate the future the present is used together with a temporal adverb; alternatively, ‘enna’ (echo na) is used and followed by the Simple Subjunctive (expanding this way the meaning of obligation, enna feri, lit: it has to bring).

2. In contrast to SMG, in Griko na is always followed by the Simple Subjunctive, also when indicating endurance/repetition.

3. ’Na spirì/spri is used mainly in Zollino; elsewhere alìo is used (SMG: λίγο). ’Na lillì is used in the village of Calimera, in addition to alìo. This is an example of the lexical variation among the Griko-speaking villages.